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Posted by RaviMadhu from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 166625976562 Thu, Feb 22, 20:19 Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai Om Namoh Sai Baba Baba, Andarini challaga choodu deva. Dear Ushaji, Read the assigned chapters. Thank you for your prayers. Om Namoh Narayanaya Om namoh Narayanaya Om Namoh Narayanaya
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 240570068359 Thu, Feb 22, 18:56 om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 230804443359 Thu, Feb 22, 18:53 baba,pranam and thankyou very much.pls tk care of all and everything.you are really great.I surrender to you fully.pls bless one and all baba.pls bless everything to be settled well soon baba.pranam and thankyou very much.pls bless to strategise baba.I need your help with it.I know you are an expert and will be able to do it for us.pls tk care of all and everything.pranam and thankyou very much. omsairam,omsairam,omshivsainathaynamah,omshivsainathaynamah
Posted by Meetu from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 959350585936 Thu, Feb 22, 17:12 Om SaiRam Ushaji With babas grace. I read today chapter 41. I noticed chapter 1to 9 not alloted in todays pranayan. I just curious to know why its like that. Thanks Meetu
Posted by Om SaiRam Ushaji from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 3570556640 Thu, Feb 22, 17:10 With babas grace. I read today chapter 41. I noticed chapter 1to 9 not alloted in todays pranayan. I just curious to know why its like that. Thanks Meetu
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 340240478515 Thu, Feb 22, 11:59 Thank U Baba for everything.
Posted by Shobha from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 3051757812 Thu, Feb 22, 11:52 Sairam Ushaji Please add my name for Sai Satcharita parayan from next week. Shobha
Posted by Saurabh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 19073486328 Thu, Feb 22, 08:16 Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Baba, please bless all. Baba, please shower your blessings on my famiky and help my family stay happy and healthy. Baba, I lease please please.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 857421874999 Thu, Feb 22, 08:09 Baba antha bavundi ani cheppu please
Posted by CITRUS from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 742187499999 Thu, Feb 22, 08:03 Sairam dear Satyabhama ji. It's been some time since I saw your postings here. Hope everything is alright with you.
Posted by CITRUS from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 724731445311 Thu, Feb 22, 08:02 With Sai's Grace, the assigned chapters were read today. Sairam.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 584167480468 Thu, Feb 22, 07:50 Baba, Plz bless us all. Plz see that there will be NO problems at work and kids. Plz give us good health Baba. Plz always be with us Baba. I left all on U Baba and follow what U decide Baba. Thank U and forgive me Baba. Om Sree Sachhidananda Samardha Sainath Maharaj ki Jaiii.
Posted by Subbarao chalavadi from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 203735351562 Thu, Feb 22, 07:41 Om sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM namo shivayya jai Ganesha jai sharath bapuji jai Sri Rama OM sai ram please kindly help them. OM sai ram please kindly help her OM sai ram please kindly help him. OM sai ram please kindly help her OM sai ram please kindly help my parents. OM sai ram please kindly help him OM sai ram please kindly help his parents. OM sai ram please kindly forgive me OM sai ram please kindly help us without obstacles OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram please kindly help them OM sai ram
Posted by sairam from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 470642089843 Thu, Feb 22, 06:19 om sairamo sairaom sairamo sairamo sairam osairam siaramo sairamo sairamo siaram osiaramo sairmo sairamo sairamo siaramo sairmo sairamo sairamo sairaom sairaom sairmo sairaom sairom sairmo sairmo sairamo sairam sairaom sairmo sairmo sairam sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairam osairamo sairmo sairamo sairmo sairamo sairam sairamo sairamo sairam.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 798553466796 Thu, Feb 22, 05:37 om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 765686035155 Thu, Feb 22, 01:22 Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Bhur Bhuva Suava Tat Savithur Varenyum Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhio Yonaha Prachodayat. Lokaha Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu Dear Baba, Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prosperity in our lives. Bless everyone with good health. Bless my daughter to get well soon. Be with her and bless her to get better soon. Bless my parents soul. Bless inlaws, brothers, sisters and their families, my wife, kids and I with good health, peace of mind and be with us and guide us to succeed in life. Bless my wife to get a permanent job and bless her to succeed and remove all her stresses. Bless my kids with good health, and bless them to get well, be with them and guide them to study well, get good grades and into good colleges. Bless me to make right choice in selecting my next job and help me and guide me. Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram
Posted by AN ARDENT SHIRDI SAI BHAKTH from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 796051025389 Wed, Feb 21, 23:58 om sai ram om sai namo namaha sri sai namo namaha jai jai sai namo namaha sadguru sai namo namaha sai baba koti koti pranam to thy lotus feet.baba pelase get rid of my financial crisis.baba please bless my children brother sister wife and nephews.baba please bless my daughter to complete her b.arch at manipal dubai and let her join with any good firm for intern ship thro my frind murali.baba please bless my son to get enrolled for his mba here in this year.also provide him any good job with reasonable salary.baba pelase accept my humble prayer and hsower thy daya on us om sai ram
Posted by Anuradha Kishore from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 748565673827 Wed, Feb 21, 23:41 Dear Ushaji, Sairam. With the grace and kind blessings of our dear Sai, I have completed the parayan of the allotted chapter. May we all be showered with his grace and get a small place at his holy feet. May Sai bless my sister and niece to recover soon from the accident and trauma. May Sai be always with them and guide them and hold their hands always. May the soul of Santosh attain rest and bless him with a small place at his holy feet. May Sai bless my son to settle down soon in his life and realise his responsibility. May he always remain humble and in his fold. May Sai bless my husband with good health and peace to handle the tough situations. Thank you for keeping us in your regular prayers. Anuradha K
Posted by Kameshwari from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 244079589843 Wed, Feb 21, 22:19 baba give me the strength and tact to deal with the route at Directorate to get my refixation done immediately. Please help my younger son to score good grades in all his board exams Bless me to be a sumangali omsairam omsairam omsairam
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 631896972655 Wed, Feb 21, 21:43 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 626129150389 Wed, Feb 21, 21:42 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 558746337890 Wed, Feb 21, 21:40 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 563537597655 Wed, Feb 21, 21:39 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 967315673827 Wed, Feb 21, 21:38 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 974975585936 Wed, Feb 21, 21:38 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 9368896484 Wed, Feb 21, 21:37 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by Prasanta from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 473052978515 Wed, Feb 21, 19:49 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 755523681639 Wed, Feb 21, 19:17 Thank you Baba for all your blessings.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 600952148436 Wed, Feb 21, 18:58 baba,pranam and thankyou very much.pls tk care of all and everything.you are really great.I surrender to you fully.pls bless one and all baba.pls bless everything to be settled well soon baba.pranam and thankyou very much. omsiaram,omsairam,omshivsainathaynamah,omshivsainathaynamah
Posted by Lakshmi N from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 811157226561 Wed, Feb 21, 18:33 Om sairam. Place on my child's head thys hand oh lord ward off her sorrows and worry for this we are thys servants always. Sai saranam sarvada sada. Apada mapahartaram dataram sarva Sampadam lokabhiramam sriramam Bhuyo Bhuyo namamyaham
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 901855468749 Wed, Feb 21, 15:57 baba please be with him. bless him that he gets good marks. om sairam
Posted by OM SRI SAIRAM from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 23010253906 Wed, Feb 21, 15:21 FiNAL LIST OF DEVOTEES PARTICIPATING IN SRISAISATCHARITRA PARAYAN ON 02/22/18 1.Neeru...CHAPTERS 13,14 2.Adityi...15 3.Pinki...20 4.BLS...28,29 5.Ravimadhu...32,33 6.Lakshmi Nandini...22 7.Usha...0 8.Citrus...42,43 9.Madhu...46 10.Geetha...48 11. Anuradha Kishore... 12 12. Sudha Ravikumar...16,17 13.Jayagowri... 35,36 14.Jayalakshmi...10,11 15.Bharathi...21 16.Kamala...26,27 17.Savithri...47 18.Rajalakshmi...50,51 19.Sais Child..49 20.Priya Srikanth...45 21.Vanka...30,31 22.Meetu...41 23.Kaushik Kumar...39,40 24.Ananthan Kumar...44 25. Sai Kundanika...23,24 26.Srinivas...37,38 27.Satyabharathi...34 28. Venkateshwara Rao...25 29. Varalakshmi...18,19 1.Please bless your child Sruthi to come out of depression and lead normal and peaceful life . 2.BABA please take care of RKS, and bless VANKAs prayer Please let us be near your lotus feet. Sarvejana sukhinobhavanthu." 3.Please bless Adityis children settle well in their life, Baba please be with them and help them.4.Please bless MONU and NEERU with healthy and happy life and also bless them with financial support. 5.Sairama please take care of BLS issues, please bless your child with happy and blissful life. Pease bless her son to settle down in his life and please bless her mom with good health, kindly protect her JOB SAI. 6.Please bless your loving child PINKI to have a nice and happy life ahead. Please bless TRISHUL and VINAYAK with good health always. Please bless her mother always with good health. 7.Please bless dear MADHU's prayers, "Baba, you know deep in my heart what my mental anguish is and the problem that my family faces. Please solve my anguish Baba and take care of my family"8.Please bless Anuradha Kishore's son to settle down in his life and learn to be responsible, please bless her sister and niece to recover soon from the accident and bless her husband with good health and peace. Dear Sainatha, please bless all your children with your divine grace, happiness, peace, health and wealth. OM SRI SAIRAM Usha
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 541931152343 Wed, Feb 21, 11:46 Sarveswara sai please bless all of us to have a safe and happy journey with out any problems deva.baba please help us to reach there safely.baba please be with all of us and take care of us deva.saranu sarvantharyami saibaba.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 236175537109 Wed, Feb 21, 10:54 Baba Please be with them during the studies. Bless that they get good marks. please be with them. om sairam
Posted by Lakshmi N from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 811248779296 Wed, Feb 21, 09:37 Om sairam. Place on my child's head thys hand oh lord ward off her sorrows and worry for this we are thys servants always. Sai saranam sarvada sada ghadiya. Jai sriram. Apada mapahartaram dataram sarva Sampadam lokabhiramam sriramam Bhuyo Bhuyo namamyaham. Jai veeranjaneya namaha. Govinda pundarikaksha rakshamam saranagataha.
Posted by Saurabh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 507354736327 Wed, Feb 21, 08:04 Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Baba, please bless all. Baba, please shower your blessings on my family and help my family stay happy and healthy. Baba, please please please.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 854736328124 Wed, Feb 21, 07:27 Baba, Plz bless us all. Plz see that there will be NO problems at work and kids. Plz give us good health Baba. Plz always be with us Baba. I left all on U Baba and follow what U decide Baba. Thank U and forgive me Baba. Om Sree Sachhidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jaiii.
Posted by Subbarao chalavadi from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 6011962890 Wed, Feb 21, 07:22 Om sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM namo shivayya jai Ganesha jai sharath bapuji jai Sri Rama OM sai ram please kindly help them. OM sai ram please kindly help her OM sai ram please kindly help him. OM sai ram please kindly help her OM sai ram please kindly help my parents. OM sai ram please kindly help him OM sai ram please kinly help his family. OM sai ram please kindly forgive me OM sai ram please kinly help us without obstacles OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram please kindly help them OM sai ram
Posted by sairam from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 686859130858 Wed, Feb 21, 06:18 om sairamo sairaom siaramo sairamo siaraom sairamo siaraom siaraom siaraom sairaom siaraom sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairaom sairamo sairamo siaramo sairamo siaramo siarmao siaramo sairamo siaramoi sairamo sairamo sairamo siaramo siarmao siaramo sairamo sairamo sairam om sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairmo sairamo sairmo sairamo sairamo sairm.
Posted by Lakshminarayan Ramaiah from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 718719482421 Wed, Feb 21, 03:47 Jai sai Ram baba every where I get cheated whom I believe now I am in the streets and I have to clear bank instalment iam helpless baba please show us the path I and
Posted by Lakshminarayan from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 500518798827 Wed, Feb 21, 03:37 Jai sai Ram please help us to overcome the Problem you know very well and you are anthariami Baba please help my family and all the time we except your presence we are leaving in your place jai sai Ram
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 436492919921 Wed, Feb 21, 03:34 Dear Baba, Today is the deadline date Oh Deva maddat karo. Please bless us I don't know what and where to ask for help.I feel so alone and scared. Please Rescue me Deva. I promise if my problem gets solved tdy. I do saptah from tomorrow. Please Sai bless your children.
Posted by AN ARDENT SHIRDI SAI BHAKTH from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 534454345702 Wed, Feb 21, 00:18 om sai ram om sai namo namaha sri sai namo namaha jai jai sai namo namaha sadguru sai namo namaha sai baba koti koti pranam to thy lotus feet.baba pelase get rid of my financial crisis.baba please bless my children brother sister wife and nephews.baba pelase accept my humble prayer and shower thy daya on us om sai ram
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 386322021483 Tue, Feb 20, 23:11 Sairama please stop the rain and help her not to have any problems sai.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 391204833983 Tue, Feb 20, 23:10 Baba deva please help us swami.baba please deva help us to go everything wells.baba we are all so stresses deva.baba bhagawan please bless us to have a good time and everything go well with out any problems sai.baba please bless us to have a wonderful time there sarveswara.babadeva thanks for your countless blessings.babaplease deva take car eof everything.saranu sai.
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 644805908202 Tue, Feb 20, 21:41 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 637451171874 Tue, Feb 20, 21:39 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 765014648436 Tue, Feb 20, 21:38 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 510803222655 Tue, Feb 20, 21:38 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 477142333983 Tue, Feb 20, 21:34 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
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