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Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 451721191405 Fri, Jan 19, 20:27 baba please be with him. Bless him that he should be well.. Why always you irritte hun baba. please be with hum.please bless that he has good health. please be with him and give good health. om sairam
Posted by Prasanta from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 495635986327 Fri, Jan 19, 19:23 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 403350830077 Fri, Jan 19, 18:55 Baba sainatha sarvasyasaranagathi bhagawan.baba please help her to take vacation sarveswara.baba deenabandoo sathasahasrakotisaastaangadandapranaamaalu saibaba.baba karunamoorthy please help us and be with us deva.baba deva please bless all of us with shradda sadbuddi saburi vivekam arogyam and manashanthi.saimaharaja I am leaving everything at your lotus feet with full faith and shradda.saiganesha sarvam mee paadaarpanam swami.baba please take care of that child sarveswara.
Posted by geetha from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 812866210936 Fri, Jan 19, 17:18 SaiRam,dearest Usha, By Babaji's Grace,I could read chapters 3 and 4.It was wonderful to read again in this Dwarakamayi.Thank you. Jai Sai Ram.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 206726074218 Fri, Jan 19, 13:03 baba please bless all is good. i should do good. oms airam
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 974914550780 Fri, Jan 19, 09:17 Please Sai guide I am unclear how to present and prepare.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 619781494140 Fri, Jan 19, 08:37 Sai, I want to thank you from my heart for my daughter to listen at least. Kindly protect her. Please help me to be recognized by my boss and the group, as valuable and given importance. Help me to prepare in the next hour BA training without problem. Kindly get me focused, and get work done today, for all the three courses. Help me to start and get the work achieved. Sai miga mikka nandri en hrudayaththilirundhu. SaiNath. Once I complete some work, again write back in your lotus feet.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 668884277343 Fri, Jan 19, 08:33 baba,pranam and thankyou very much.pls tk care of all and everything.you are really great.I surrender to you fully.pls bless one and all baba.pls bless everything to be settled well soon baba.pranam and thankyou very much. omsairam,omsairam,omshivsainathaynamah,omshivsainathaynamah
Posted by Saurabh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 115509033203 Fri, Jan 19, 08:21 Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Baba, please bless all. Baba, please shower your blessings on my family and help my family stay happy and healthy. Baba, please please please.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 276763916015 Fri, Jan 19, 07:47 Baba, Plz bless us all. Plz see that there will be NO problems at work and kids. Plz give us good health Baba. Plz always be with us Baba. I left all on U Baba and follow what U decide Baba. Thank U and forgive me Baba. Om Sree Sachhidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jaiii.
Posted by Subbarao Chalavadi from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 241363525390 Fri, Jan 19, 07:31 Om sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM namo shivayya jai Ganesha jai sharath bapuji jai Sri Rama OM sai ram please kindly help them. OM sai ram please kindly help her OM sai ram please kindly help him. OM sai ram please kindly help her OM sai ram please kindly help my parents. OM sai ram please kindly help him OM sai ram please kindly help us without obstacles. OM sai ram please kindly forgive me OM sai ram please kindly help his parents OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram please kindly help them
Posted by sairam from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 630554199218 Fri, Jan 19, 05:39 om sairaom siaraom siaramo siaraom siaraom sairamo siaramo siaramo siaramo sairaom siaraom sairmao siaraom siaramo siaraom siaramo siarmo sairamo sairamo sairaom sairamo sairaom sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairaom sairamo sairamo sairamo siaramo sairamo siaramo siaramo sairmo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairmo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairmo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairaom sairamo sairamo siaramo siaramo siaramo siaramo sairamo sairam
Posted by your devotee from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 567108154296 Fri, Jan 19, 02:56 pranam baba.am at yr feet.pls keep our family very very happy n peacefull.our daughter prb is torturing us with her weaknessess n insecurities.pls take her away to london or usa dallas.pls my humble request.i dnt want her anymore.i cant bear this baba.teach her a lesson.pls help my husband n myself to be very very happy n healthy wealthy.stop her cantankerous behaviour.pls baba baba i beg you. n make her apologise to her father now.mke her send msg asking for apologies.tel her.pls mke me get 10000 dollars to clear my debts to ub.n krr n np.pls everyone help me to clear my debts.pls pls help me.pls mke jp give me money to clear.pls baba.am at my tethers end.bless my child my husband my self with yr divine energy n blessings.bless us baba.mke us veryvery happy n mke my husband quit smoking n drinking completly.pls help him n keep him very very content n happy.pls mke our daughter get detachment frm her boyfriend.thks baba.omsairamomsairamomsairam
Posted by Vanka from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 279388427734 Fri, Jan 19, 02:01 Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 722991943358 Fri, Jan 19, 02:01 Om Sai Ram
Posted by Selvi from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 335601806640 Fri, Jan 19, 01:59 Dear Baba thank you so much be with my kids take care of their studies and their characters. Be with my husband take care of his health and his character be with me take care of my knowledge and make me smart make me to do good decisions on Julie I65039 feel I65039 am right and she is did wrong and not trust worthy everything is under your feet guide us take care of us. I was so happy on Sunday u showed your face Omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 746154785155 Thu, Jan 18, 21:45 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 238555908202 Thu, Jan 18, 21:43 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 281188964843 Thu, Jan 18, 21:41 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 781341552733 Thu, Jan 18, 21:40 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 782440185546 Thu, Jan 18, 21:39 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 274505615234 Thu, Jan 18, 21:38 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 609558105468 Thu, Jan 18, 21:36 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by Prasanta from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 570587158202 Thu, Jan 18, 21:16 om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha om sai namo namaha
Posted by RaviMadhu from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 162963867187 Thu, Jan 18, 21:04 Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai Om Namoh Sai Baba Baba, Andarini challaga choodu deva. Dear Ushaji, Read the chapters assigned, thank you for all your prayers. Om Namoh Narayanaya Om namoh Narayanaya Om Namoh Narayanaya
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 756469726561 Thu, Jan 18, 19:00 om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
Posted by Adityi from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 746704101561 Thu, Jan 18, 18:52 Sairam Dear sister Ushaji I read allotted chapters today with Baba's Grace.Thanks for adding my prayer dear sister.Thanks for bringing all of us together and do parayana.Sairam.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 573181152343 Thu, Jan 18, 18:46 Baba deva thanks for everything thandri.baba please take care of us swami.saranu saranu saimahadeva.
Posted by Meetu from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 179687499999 Thu, Jan 18, 18:44 Om Sai Ram, With babas grace. Completed todays alloted chapter 1617. Thanks Meetu
Posted by Meetu from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 593719482421 Thu, Jan 18, 18:43 Om Sai Ram, With babas grace. Completed todays alloted chapter 1617. Thanks Meetu
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 87066650390 Thu, Jan 18, 18:40 baba,pranam and thankyou very much.pls tk care of all and everything.you are really great.I surrender to you fully.pls bless one and all baba.pls bless everything to be settled well soon baba.pranam and thankyou very much. omsairam,omsairam,omshivsainathaynamah,omshivsainathaynamah
Posted by Kamala from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 164978027343 Thu, Jan 18, 18:17 Sairama,please be with al of us,guide us and bless us always. Baba,please come with Athimber and Vasant and bless them reach safely SFO and Austin respectively. Sairama,I'm leaving everything at Your lotus feet as always. Please take care of everything, Baba,please take care of the thoughts,words and actions of each one of us and please save us from all kinds of dangers and bad things always, Baba. Baba,Our hearty thanks,sincere love and namaskarams to You, Baba.
Posted by Kamala from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 145050048827 Thu, Jan 18, 18:13 Sairama,please be with al of us,guide us and bless us always. Baba,please come with Athimber and Vasant and bless them reach safely SFO and Austin respectively. Sairama,I'm leaving everything at Your lotus feet as always. Please take care of everything, Baba.Our hearty thanks,sincere love and namaskarams to You, Baba. Dear Ushaji, Sairam. Thanks for assigning chapters for all of us. With Baba's Grace all of us from my family and our friend Raji read the chapters today.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 884643554686 Thu, Jan 18, 18:04 Thank U Baba for everything. Om Sree Sachhidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jaiii.
Posted by CITRUS from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 636749267577 Thu, Jan 18, 13:22 The assigned chapters were read with Sai's Grace. Thank you, Ushaji. Sairam
Posted by Kameshwari from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 233581542968 Thu, Jan 18, 11:34 Srisai Baba help me in granting my increments thru appeal only by your grace . Enable me to contribute propotionate monthly donation to your might. Most important It is beyond my capacity to train my son. Help my son kittu in getting his math and science subjects with AGrade bestow your grace upon him by enhancing his sustainance in studies and memorise the studies right timely. Please enable us to perform ganapati homam after getting my increments santioned , kittu getting Grade A in x board, get my noc to go abroad smoothly by june2018. Anyadha saranam nasthi tvameva saranam mama
Posted by neeru from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 43518066406 Thu, Jan 18, 10:58 tomorrow monu will be coming back from bilaspur, please bless him with mental power, stability, consistency, selfconfidence and courage to face all the difficulties he faced there in bilaspur as inside his mind it is not clear to him that life is full of difficulties and we have to maintain our calm mind to handle them one by one, but WHAT HE ALWAYS GREEDS FOR is doing nothing in life, just sitting and things happening on their own, how can this happen SAI JEE, give him that mental energy, viveka and encouragement to change this rotten house and go to a new house, please bless him to change his life with his views, also please bless hims with financial support, the main confidence loosing started from last augusst 2016, when his money suddenly stopped coming, so he is facing lot of problems, please be with him, please make us both understand each other on trust and understanding, SURRENDER EVERYTHING AT YOUR LOTUS FEET, SAI BABA JEE OM SAI RAM
Posted by neeru from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 74401855468 Thu, Jan 18, 10:54 Dear Sister USHA JEE, have read and cherished the chapters MAY SAI BABA SHOWER his blessings on you and your family, and today morning early morning while in Shradha channel MATA RANI JEE VAISHNO DEVI AARTI is going on in TV, i dreamt being there in front of the Guufa i felt so divine for a very long time i am chanting and performing all the rituals to make MAA MATA RANI JEE HAPPY, felt very glad thank YOU SISTER JEE highly obliged OM SAI RAM
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 641082763671 Thu, Jan 18, 10:02 baba please be with hhim during appointment. please bless im that nothing should be there. please be with him. please bless that all should be good. Please bless that there should nnot be anything. om sairam
Posted by BLS from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 667999267577 Thu, Jan 18, 09:47 Dear Sairam ushaji Thank you very much for your kind message. Forgot to.mention in my earlier msg. May our father bless you and your family always with good health and happiness. Om sairam
Posted by BLS from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 834716796874 Thu, Jan 18, 09:37 Dear Sairam sister Udhavi Noted this week's chapters. Thanks. Kindly add my name to default list and pray for all. On Sairam
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 575439453124 Thu, Jan 18, 09:27 Saibaba deva let the appointments go well with out any problems swami.baba please be with all of us and guide us swami.baba please deva help her deva.baba sarvasyasaranagathi.baba please help us to be calm sarveswara saibaba.
Posted by Saurabh from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 496063232421 Thu, Jan 18, 08:22 Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Om Sai Sri Sai jaya jaya sai Baba, please bless all. Baba, please shower your blessings on my family and help my family stay happy and healthy. Baba, please please please.
Posted by Priya Srikanth from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 187927246093 Thu, Jan 18, 07:31 Om Sai Ram Dear Ushaji, With the grace of Baba, I have completed today's parayan allotted to me. Thank you for adding me in the parayan list. Regards Priya Srikanth.
Posted by Subbarao Chalavadi from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 554840087890 Thu, Jan 18, 07:30 Om sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM namo shivayya jai Ganesha jai sharath bapuji jai Sri Rama OM sai ram please kindly help them. OM sai ram please kindly help her OM sai ram please kindly help him. OM sai ram please kindly help her OM sai ram please kindly help my parents. OM sai ram please kindly help him OM sai ram please kindly help his parents. OM sai ram please kindly forgive me OM sai ram please kindly help us without obstacles OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram please kindly help them
Posted by sairam from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 396270751952 Thu, Jan 18, 06:26 om sairam oms airamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairaom siaramo siaramo sairmo sairamo sairamo sairamo siaramo siaramo sairamo sairamo sairamo siaramo siaramo siarmao siaramo sairmo sairamo sairamo sairamo sairmo sairaom sairmo sairom sairamo sairmo sairmo sairmo sairmo sairmo sairmo sairmo sairamo sairaom siarom sairamo siaramo sairom sairam
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 884002685545 Thu, Jan 18, 05:39 om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 62774658203 Thu, Jan 18, 03:12 Baba, Plz bless us all. Plz see that there will be NO problems at work and kids. Plz give us good health Baba. Plz always be with us Baba. I left all on U Baba and follow what U decide Baba. Thank U and forgive me Baba. Om Sree Sachhidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jaiii.
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 935455322264 Thu, Jan 18, 00:19 Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Bhur Bhuva Suava Tat Savithur Varenyum Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhio Yonaha Prachodayat. Lokaha Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu Dear Baba, Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prospeirty in our lives. Bless everybody with good health. Bless my parent soul. Bless my son to get succeed in getting good grades and succeed qualifying for his final tests. Om Sri Sai Ram
Posted by PRABHAKAR from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 301544189452 Wed, Jan 17, 23:29 om sri chakkulathukavialmme rakshikkane om sarvamangala mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike sharanye trayambake gouri narayani namostute amme rakshikkane ente devi s scent problem solve akkane amma sharanam ente devi ente visa 2 varshathekku adikkane amma sharama om sai ram
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