
Sai Devotees Online Dwarkamai!


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Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 665924072264
Fri, Aug 25, 22:24
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 696807861327
Fri, Aug 25, 22:24
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 703796386718
Fri, Aug 25, 22:22
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 327484130859
Fri, Aug 25, 22:21
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 309143066405
Fri, Aug 25, 22:20
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 316009521484
Fri, Aug 25, 22:19
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 322998046874
Fri, Aug 25, 22:18
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 383972167968
Fri, Aug 25, 18:02
Sai narayana please take care of my daughter deva.baba deenabandoo sarveswara please be with her and help her deva.baba please send some one to be with her and take care of her deva.bhagawan sai I am leaving everything at your lotus feet with full faith and shradda. Deva let the storm come down swami.sarvasyasaranagathi deva.

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 493896484374
Fri, Aug 25, 08:55
Vinayaka Chavithi Subhakankshalu

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 304748535155
Fri, Aug 25, 08:53
Thank U Baba for everything.
Om Sree Sachhidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jaiii.

Posted by Saurabh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 325500488280
Fri, Aug 25, 08:11
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai

Baba, please bless all. Baba, please shower your blessings on my family and help my family stay happy and healthy. Baba, please please please.

Posted by JPP from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 336090087890
Fri, Aug 25, 08:11
Dear Ushaji

With babas grace I have finish reading the chapter assign to me...may baba bless all....omsairam.

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 2593994140
Fri, Aug 25, 08:02
Plz bless us all. Plz see that there will be NO problems at work and kids. Plz give us good health Baba. Plz always be with us Baba. I left all on U Baba and follow what U decide Baba. Thank U and forgive me Baba.
Om Sree Sachhidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jaiii.

Posted by Subbarao Chalavadi from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 763824462889
Fri, Aug 25, 06:43
Om sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram
OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram
OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram
OM sai ram OM namo shivayya jai Ganesha jai sharath bapuji jai Sri Rama
OM sai ram please kindly help them. OM sai ram please kindly help her
OM sai ram please kindly help him. OM sai ram please kindly help her
OM sai ram please kindly help my parents. OM sai ram please kindly help him
OM sai ram please kindly help his parents. OM sai ram please kindly forgive me
OM sai ram please kindly help us without obstacles
OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram
OM sai ram please kindly help my parents
OM sai ram

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 493804931640
Fri, Aug 25, 00:46
Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Bhur Bhuva Suava
Tat Savithur Varenyum
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhio Yonaha Prachodayat.

Lokaha Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu.

Dear Baba,
Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prosperity in our lives. Bless everyone with good health. Bless my parents soul. Bless inlaws, brothers, sisters and their families, my wife, kids and me with good health, peace of mind and be with us and guide us to succeed in life.

Om Sri Sai Ram

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 646118164061
Thu, Aug 24, 22:37
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 640045166014
Thu, Aug 24, 22:36
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 636657714843
Thu, Aug 24, 22:35
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 654785156249
Thu, Aug 24, 22:34
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 671630859374
Thu, Aug 24, 22:32
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 663146972655
Thu, Aug 24, 22:31
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 673522949218
Thu, Aug 24, 22:29
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by Prasanta from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 20141601562
Thu, Aug 24, 21:52
om sai ram
om sai namo namaha
sri sai namo namaha
jai jai sai namo namaha
sadugur sau namo namaha
Dear Baba, Please bless us for happy life and good health. Please protect us from all evil power.
Om Sai Sri Ram,

Posted by RaviMadhu from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 915008544920
Thu, Aug 24, 21:32
Om Sai Sari Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Om Namoh Sai Baba

Baba, Andarini challaga choodu deva.

Dear Ushaji, Read the assigned chapter. Thank you for all your prayers.

Om Namoh Narayanaya
Om Namoh Narayanaya
Om Namoh Narayanaya

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 101898193359
Thu, Aug 24, 19:47
The chapter was read with Sai's Grace.


Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 966003417967
Thu, Aug 24, 19:36
baba,pranam and thankyou very much.pls tk care of all and are really great.I surrender to you fully.pls bless one and all baba.pls bless everything to be settled well soon baba.pranam and thankyou very much.

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 999755859374
Thu, Aug 24, 19:28
Sairam Dear Ushajii read allotted chapter today with Baba's Grace.Thanks dear sister.Sairam.

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 882751464842
Thu, Aug 24, 14:01
Saibaba sathasahasrakotisaastaangadandapranaamaalu sai.baba please be with all of us and take care of us sai.baba deva I am leaving everything at your lotus feet with full faith and shradda.baba please be with her and help her sai.baba let the storm subside deva.baba please deva show mercy on us and take care of us.saran saimahaeswara.

Posted by Lakshmi N from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 214294433593
Thu, Aug 24, 12:47
Om gam ganapataye namaha

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 836883544921
Thu, Aug 24, 08:21
Plz bless us all. Plz see that there will be NO problems at work and kids. Plz always be with us Baba. Plz give us good health Baba. I left all on U Baba and follow what U decide Baba. Thank U and forgive me Baba.
Om Sree Sachhidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jaiii.

Posted by Saurabh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 75653076171
Thu, Aug 24, 08:03
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai

Baba, please bless all. Baba, please shower your blessings on my family and help my family stay happy and healthy. Baba, please please please.

Posted by Subbarao Chalavadi from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 899353027342
Thu, Aug 24, 07:39
Om sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram
OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram
OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram
OM sai ram OM namo shivayya jai Ganesha jai sharath bapuji jai Sri Rama
OM sai ram please kindly help them. OM sai ram please kindly help her
OM sai ram please kindly help him. OM sai ram please kindly help her
OM sai ram please kindly help my parents. OM sai ram please kindly help him
OM sai ram please kindly help his parents. OM sai ram please kindly forgive me
OM sai ram please kindly help us without obstacles
OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram OM sai ram
OM sai ram please kindly help my parents

Posted by SaiBhakt from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 497955322265
Thu, Aug 24, 06:17
Thanks Sai Baba for all your care which you always took for me and my family. You always took care of our health, showered us with your love and blessings. I was suffering from pain but you vanished it miraculously. I am still alive with so many problems only because I have full faith in you. I know that you will bring an end to all my problems. Thanks always Baba for your love and showing me the right path.

Posted by SaiBabaBhakt from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 392486572265
Thu, Aug 24, 06:13
There are no end to Sai Baba miracles. I was suffering from acute stomach pain for many days, but due to Sai Baba blessings, there was nothing critical and it was only acidity and gas which caused the problem. Now I am fine and didn't faced that issue again. Thanks Baba for your care which you always take for me and my family. Please always shower us with your blessings and forgive us if we do anything wrong and show us the right path.

Posted by SaiBhakt from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 344268798827
Thu, Aug 24, 06:09
Om Sai Namo Namah, Sadguru Sai Namo Namah
Sai baba, you always did miracles in my life. Once I has deep chest pain and I was vey worried thinking that it may be some heart attack etc. but everything was ok and next day i was completely fit and fine. Thanks a lot Baba for your care.
Jai sai Baba

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 197753906249
Thu, Aug 24, 05:37
om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam

Posted by AN ARDENT SRI GURU DATTATREYA BHAKTH from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 214630126952
Thu, Aug 24, 00:44
om draam dattatreyaya namaha
hari om tat sat sriguru datta
hari om tat sat sriguru datta
hari om tat sat sriguru datta
hari om tat sat
swami raksha karo hamara
swami hamara gareebi hatavo
swmai mera bachom ka raksha karo
hari om tat sat
digambara digambara sripada vallabha
digambara dattatreya
hari om tat sat
om digambaraya vidhamahe
atriputrya dheemahi
tanno datta prachotayat
hari om tat sat

Posted by AN ARDENT SHIRDI SAI BHAKTH from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 279846191405
Thu, Aug 24, 00:42

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 746917724608
Thu, Aug 24, 00:22
Oh Sai Baba, we wave lights before You, the bestower of happiness to the Jivas. Give us Your servants and devotees rest under the dust of Your feet. Burning destroying desire, You remain absorbed in Your Self and show the Lord God to the aspirants. As one feels intently, You give him experiences or realizations accordingly. Oh kindhearted, Your power is such Meditation on Your name removes our fear of the samsar. Your method of work is really unfathomable as You always help the poor and helpless. In this Kali age, You the allpervasive Datta, have really incarnated as Saguna Brahma. Ward off the fear of samsar of the devotees who come to You every Thursday so as to enable them to see the feet of the Lord. Oh God of Gods, I pray that let my treasure be the service of Your feet. Feed Madhav and you should utter your name here with happiness as the cloud feeds the Chatak bird with pure water and thus keep up Your Word. Amen

Bow to Shri Sai Peace be to all

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 743011474608
Thu, Aug 24, 00:22
Here ends chapter 3 of Shri Sai Satcharit
Babas Stories as Beacon Light

Light houses are constructed at various places in the sea, to enable the boatmen to avoid rocks and dangers, and make them sail safely. Sai Babas stories serve a similar purpose in the ocean of worldly existence. They surpass nectar in sweetness, and make our worldly path smooth and easy to traverse. Blessed are the stories of the saints. When they enter our hearts through the ears, the body consciousness or egoism and the sense of duality vanish and when they are stored in the heart, doubts fly out to all sides, pride of the body will fall, and wisdom will be stored in abundance. The description of Babas pure fame, and the hearing of the same, with love, will destroy the sins of the devotee and, therefore, this is the simple Sadhana for attaining salvation. The Sadhana for Krita Age was Shamadama tranquillity of mind and body, for Treta Age, sacrifice, for Dwapara, worship, and for Kali present Age, it is singing of the name and glory of the Lord. This last Sadhana is open to all the people of the four varnas Brahmins, etc.. The other Sadhanas, viz. Yoga, Yagya sacrifice, Dhyana meditation and Dharana concentration are very difficult to practice, but singing and hearing the stories and the glory of the Lord Sai Baba is very easy. We have only to turn our attention towards them. The listening and singing of the stories will remove the attachment to the senses and their objects, and will make the devotees dispassionate, and will ultimately lead them to selfrealization. With this end in view, Sai Baba made me or helped me to write His stories, SatCharitamrita. The devotees may now easily read and hear these stories of Sai Baba and while doing so, meditate on Him, His form and thus attain devotion to Guru and God Sai Baba, get detachment and selfrealization. In the preparation and writing of this work, SatCharitamrita, it is Sai Babas grace which has accomplished everything, making use of me as a mere instrument.
Bow to Shri Sai...Peace be to all.

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 708648681639
Thu, Aug 24, 00:16
Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Bhur Bhuva Suava
Tat Savithur Varenyum
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhio Yonaha Prachodayat.

Lokaha Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu

Dear Baba,
Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prosperity in our lives. Bless everyone with good health. Bless my parents soul. Bless my inlaws, brothers, sisters and their families, my wife, kids and me with good health, peace of mind and be with us and guide us to succeed in life.

Om Sri Sai Ra

Posted by Anuradha K from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 742218017577
Wed, Aug 23, 23:54
Dear Ushaji,
Sairam. With the grace and kind blessings of our dear Sai, I have completed the parayan of the allotted chapter. May we be blessed with a small place at his holy feet.
May Sai bless me to recover from the surgery soon.
May Sai bless my son to settle down soon in his life and realize his responsibility. May he always remain humble and in his fold.
May Sai bless my husband to get his diabetes cured and stay healthy always.
Thank you for keeping my son and me in your continued prayers.
Anuradha K

Posted by OM SRI SAIRAM from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 639953613280
Wed, Aug 23, 23:03


Happy Ganesh Chathurthi to SAI Family

Aadi Pujya Deva Gajaananaa
Gaurihara Tanaya Shubhaanana
Vighna Vinashaka Siddhi Vinaayaka
Jaya Jaga Vandana Thava Charanam

Meaning...Oh, Lord Gajaanana, darling son of Gauri who destroys obstacles and confers success. Entire creation pays obeisance and worship Thy Feet.


1.Please bless Ranjini with happy and peaceful married life, please bless her with good health and loving child, please bless her husband to ignore bad habits and take good care of her. 2.Prayer for JPP's brother who has been affected with paralysis, baba sai please touch the ailing soul with your divine healing powers and correct the ailment. Please bless him with normal and happy life, thanks for showing your love towards him please continue it until he recovers completely. 3.Please bless SUKANYA's SON to be healthy, happy and to be in your protection. 4.Please bless KAMALA and her sisters families with good health and peace. 5.Please bless PADMA's son SURYA with a complete recovery, so that he can frolic in your glee ever and his parents remain indebted to you for the joy, happiness and health that their son shall bring into their lives. Please bless him to talk and walk soon. Please bless PADMAs father with complete recovery. 6.Please bless BK with happy life and your karuna drishti, Please bless her complete all her exams in time with good score. Please bless ANIKA with good health. 7.Please bless dear MADHU's prayers, "Baba, you know deep in my heart what my mental anguish is and the problem that my family faces. Please solve my anguish Baba and take care of my family". 8.Please bless SUSHMA's prayers in her own words Baba, please bless me and my husband with your service and bhakti swami. Please bless my child with good eye sight. Please bless SUSHMAs brother with your guidance, support, love and job saideva. Please bless my brother and my parents with your devotion, good health and your guidance. 9.Please bless DEAR DEVOTEE prayer in her own words Please bless my child she is going to be 2 years old still she has got no support for her back and neck baba please bless her make her a normal child.10.Please bless AMI with good health and your divine kripa. 12.Please bless SUNEETHA, ADITYA and SAIANJAN with good health and happy life with your Udhi Prasad. 14.Please bless SHARMAs family to reunite with their Son. 16.Sai please bless and rescue SAVITRIs Husband and son from all problems, please be with them and bless them to get their house back. 17.SAI please bless ANURADHA.K with happy life, Please bless her son settle down soon in life and realize his responsibility and become more humble and serious in life. Please reduce her knee pain deva. 18.Sai please bless RAMA with wonderful child soon, please forgive all their mistakes and fill their home front with happiness. 19.Sairama please take care of BLS issues, please bless your child with happy and blissful life with your grace and please bless her son with good knowledge and memory. Please bless her mom with good health. Please protect her JOB. 20.Saideva please bless dear BABBU to walk and talk, Sai now he is 13 years old, how long you test them sai please forgive their sins and bless him with good health. 21.Sainatha please bless SAI MOL with a wonderful child soon, 22.Please take care of dear DEVOTEE problem and make her husband realize the importance of her and the little son make him to love them always 23.Please bless your loving child PINKI to have a nice and happy life ahead. Please bless TRISHUL and VINAYAK with good health always. Please bless her mother always with good health. 24.Saideva please bless dear APPLE with happiness and peaceful life, please bless her kids with good health and bright future. 25.Please bless Sai Devotee son to stop drinking alcohol, please bless devotees husband to love his son and take care of the family. 26.Sai please bless DEVOTEE4LIFE children healthy forever. 27.Sai please bless SAI DEVOTEE husband come out from the depression and take care of the family. 28.Sai please bless SAI DEVOTEE son with a loan to take care of the family and please solve his financial problems. 29.Please bless DEVI JEEVAN and the family with your divine grace. 30.Please bless VIN with BEST in his life. Please guide him with your grace and mental peace. Please reunite him with his wife and child and bless him with happy life. Please bless ROSE ji with mental peace. 31.Sainatha please cure dear Raman please heal him with your divine touch and cure him completely. 32.Sai please bless PADMA GOWRI with good health, please solve her health issue. 33.Saideva please bless all your children to get their GCs on time with no issues. 34..Please bless VIGNESH with good health always. 35.Please bless MANI with permanent job soon. Please bless MANI husband VENKAT with good health always and bless them good jobs soon. Please bless ANJU to get in to MS, please bless her with job soon. 37.Please bless CHANDANA to have a happy n peaceful life. 38.Please cure Sruthi completely and bless her with good life partner. Please bring her out from the depression and bless her to forget him. 40 Dear Bapu please keep Satyabhama's family under Your ChatarChaya and love. Please bless satyabhamajis father with good health always. 41.Please bless Sujatha jis kids to with speech and bless her husband with good job. 42.Please bless your child SAN to come out of debts, please bless your child. 43.Please bless SS with her wish bless them with no more miseries, tension, sufferings to her parents. pls solve this big problem with your blessings. Please bless her mother with good health. 44.Saideva, please bless LATHAs family with good health, happiness and peace. Please bless her son in right direction. 45.DevaSai, Please Bless KAKU and Family with peace of mind and please guide them out of the present situation. Please remove their worries. 46.Saideva, please cure SHOBHAs son stammering problem completely and please bless him with your guidance always.. Please cure SHOBHAs husband leg pain completely swami. 47. Please bless ROSALIN with your kripa and constant guidance saideva. Please bring him back to her life. Please help her with the financial situation and take care of her mother and sister. 48. Please bless ANNAPURNAs kids with good health always swami. 49. Please bless SAIBHAKTINI with mental peace and happiness. 50. Please bless APPALALs father with good health always. Please help his friend to return his money as soon as possible swami, please bless his kids with good studies. Please bless APPALAL ji to buy the house he likes saintha. 51. Please cure JYOTHIs brother completely and bless him with good health always. 52. Please solve BMPs problems and bless them with happy life. Please bless BMP with your grace and good job offer with good and timely completion of the dissertations.53. Sai please bless KIRAN to come out of all financial problems and bless him and his brother with good jobs very soon. 54. Please resolve MANJULAs brothers problem and please bless him with a suitable job. 58. Please guide Vignesh on the right path and please bless him with good friends. Please bless Vignesh with long healthy life along with good character. Take care of him swami. 59. Please resolve KRVs financial problems completely saideva. Please bless her with good name and success in her new job. 60.Please bless ROHINIji and her husband to clear all loan debts. Please bless her to get some placements done and her husband with OT project soon. 61. Please reunite SENTHIL ji and the girl he loves the most to be his wife saideva. Please bless him with good health . 62. Please save RGs husband from the false complaint and bless their family with peace. Please bless her husband to start the business which he is interested in, please solve citizenship wish. 64.Devasai, Please bless RANGA, VANI and ANEESH with GOOD HEALTH and PEACEFUL HAPPY LIFE. 65.Please bless SELVI ji with good health always saideva. 66.Please bless ARITHAs kids with BEST in their life. 67. Please bless SURAJ always and release all their money due to them.68.Please bless SONY and her family with Good health, peace and happiness saideva. 71. Please bless little Srihitha with good health always. 69.Please resolve BITIYAs financial problems and please bless her to have your darshan saideva. 70. Please bless DIMPYs prayer Saideva Please bless Uma bhabi son's to walk on his own and bless him with sharp brain so he can learn fast. 71. Please bless Geetha.N ji daughter with a wonderful life partner of your choice and bless her to get married soon. 72.Please bless NATARAJAN with peace of mind and happy life please bless your child to vistit Shirdi. 73. Please bless SaiDeep ji's husband BABU ji always with good health and success in life. Please bless her with a job of your choice. 74. Please bless your child KUSHAGRA MITTAL ji with peaceful and happy life, let all the fears go away from your loving child. 75.Please bless KRISHANA MURTHI ji to come out of financial crisis. 76.Please Please bless your child RVC with your grace, please bless your child with what is GOOD and HAPPY LIFE. please bless RVC ji's husband with the job he as applied for in his field in SA and keep the family together. 77.Please bless Venkatesh Jayabalans family with Peace, Health, Kids Study and no Financial Problems. Please cure his mother JEGATHAMBAL Body Pain, Knee and Leg Pain and bless her with good healthy life. 78.Please UBjis mother with a speedy recovery. Please bless UBjis father with complete vision. 79. Please cure SLEVI jis ulcer saideva. 80.Please bless dear Swapna to have a healthy child soon... 81. Please bless SAIBaktin ji with a wonderful healthy baby. Please bless saibhaktin and her family with good health and mental peace. Please cure her father completely and bless him with long healthy life. Please bless her husband with a job of your choice soon. Please bless her sister to get married to a wonderful person of your choice soon.82. Please bless VENKAT with healthy kid. 83.Please bless PRIYANKA to get a good job and settle soon in her life, please bless her with loving and caring partner. 84.Please cure Lalitha jis son who is 5 year old, please touch head and calm him down whenever is needed, cure this little one and give peace to dear mother. 85.Please bless Vineetha ji with a job of your choice soon swami. Please bless Yadhu Krishnan with bright future 86.Please bless Nieru ji and Prerana with happiness, peace and good health. Please resolve their financial problems saideva. Give her peace. Please bless Prernana to do will in B.Com, please bless her with more strength, courage and confidence in life. Please cure Neeru jis mother leg problem saideva. 87.Please bless Vivek Anantha Narayanan to get good house and bless his dad with permanent job with no transfers. 88.Please cure Madhavi jis mom from ankle pain and please bless her to walk. 89. Please bless SM ji s husband with good health and job. Please bless her daughter with good health and education. 100.Please bless Thanuja jis dad cure him and make him to walk normally without any pain baba.101. Please SAIDEVOTEE mother with good health, please bless her so that cancer will not spread to another parts of her body.102.Please Bless SAIDEVOTEE husband with good health. 103.Please bless Sai devotee jis cousin kidney problem. 104.Please bless MC jis father with Kidney surgery and fast recovery. 105.Please bless dear brother Sai Devotee who is disturbed in life and away from family and friends, please bless him with peace of mind and happiness, lead him to right and bright path to take care of his 2 little kids, always be with him and protect him. 107.Please bless SSG and her husband with your kind grace.108.Please bless ROSMARY with strong mental and physical health so that she can be in peaceful state of life. 109.Please cure dear sister Jill Peeters, please heal her completely from cancer. 110.Please Monu ji with good health. 111.Please bless ARCHANA.K jis mom with good health always. Please reduce her leg pain. 112.Please bless Preetis family with your kripa drishti. Bless her husband with success and bless her family with happiness and peace. 113.Please bless SREENIVASULU brother with fast recovery and long life. 114. Please be with TARA, bless her with confidence and success. 115. Please bless GEETHA with pregnancy sai.116. Please bless GG's daughter with job soon and bless her husband to come out from financial crisis and good health.117.Please bless ANUSAI jis son to find a wonderful lifepartner.118.Please reunite the mother and child who is pleading in this Dwarakamai. 119.Please bless Vamshi with good health, kindly cure him completely and make him pain free and happy life, kindly heal him with your divine touch.120.Please cure SELVAs mom. 121.Please bless LAKSHMI NANDINIs father with speedy recovery.122.Please cure SAIMOL jis kid leg problem, heal the child with your divine touch.123.Please cure your child you is going thru panic attacks and mental stress.124.Please bless Rahul, Sachin and Sundeep with H1B Visas.
Special Prayer...SAINATHA bless your child Sruthi, bring her out from depression and give her and parents peace of mind. Please cure Satyabhama jis friend who has Leukemia. Please heal him completely. Please heal Anuradha.K jis sister to recover from accident. Please bless KUNAL and VENKATs daughter to talk soon. Please cure NIERU jis Brother VIMAL with your divine touch and bless him with peaceful life. I beg you at your lotus feet, please bring her back to us, please let her realize that he is not right choice for her, my heart is crying for her deva. Please deva.Mike Pajak with good health and fast recovery. Please bless SACHIN with fast recovery and long life. Please bless Chandhana jis son SAI with good health. Please bless SAVITHRI ji with Akanda sowbagya, please cure her husband completely. Please cure little Sairam and bless him with his eye sight. Please bless SHALINI ji's sister to be cancer free and have good health and long life .Please cure Connie ji and bless her with long healthy life. Please cure sai devoteejis 16 year old daughter completely and bless with long healthy life. PLEASE cure Patrick ji completely and please bless him with long life. Please bless G .NARASIMHAN ji with vision and a speedy recovery saideva. Please cure Maganbhai Pandya ji cancer and bless him with healthy life. Please cure little Mohammed with speedy recovery saideva. Please cure SaiShristi from congenital heart disease. Please cure SAIRAM jis husband brain tumor saideva. Please cure PALLAVI jis friends sons heart disease deva. Please bless little. Please bless your little child NIYATI to recover completely from brain damage and bless her with healthy long life. Please bless the little girl to come out of comma. Saideva please cure NAMRATHAji completely and bless her with long healthy life. Please bless jayashrees and jyothis brother with good health and cure the health problem completely. Sainatha please cure GEETHA's breast cancer soon. Sai please bless Meena jis daughter, please cure her blood cancer. Sainatha Please bless Shruthi to recover soon from ill health and live peaceful life, please bring her back from the depression. Please bless her parents with peace. Sainatha please cure KIRANjis malignant tumor and bless him with long healthy life. Thankyou baba.

Note..Dear Devotees, we will be chanting Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra 108 times on every Monday for devotees and their families who are going thru health issues. Please join me chanting the maha mantra every Monday.


Dear SAI please bless all your children with your divine grace, love and namasmaran.


Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 282135009765
Wed, Aug 23, 22:09
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 492462158202
Wed, Aug 23, 22:08
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 500152587890
Wed, Aug 23, 22:07
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
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om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 497070312499
Wed, Aug 23, 22:06
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 506042480468
Wed, Aug 23, 22:06
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 514495849608
Wed, Aug 23, 22:05
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by shashi singh from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 517883300780
Wed, Aug 23, 22:03
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha
om sai namo namaha

Posted by Prasanta from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 1403808593
Wed, Aug 23, 21:13
om sai ram
om sai namo namaha
sri sai namo namaha
jai jai sai namo namaha
sadugur sau namo namaha
Dear Baba, Please bless us for happy life and good health. Please protect us from all evil power.
Om Sai Sri Ram,

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