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Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 780180109272
Thu, Nov 14, 2024 14:56

I follow what U decide Baba.

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 873143866265
Thu, Nov 14, 2024 11:57

Om Sai Namo Nama Sree Sai Namo Nama Jaya Jaya Sai Namo Nama Sadguru Sai Namo Nama

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 955588750846
Thu, Nov 14, 2024 11:56

Thank you Baba for your blessings.

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 756942775639
Thu, Nov 14, 2024 11:36

Thank U Baba for your blessings.

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 719276385687
Thu, Nov 14, 2024 11:36


Plz bless us all. Plz see that there will be NO problems at work and kids. Plz give us good health Baba. Plz always be with us Baba. I left all on U Baba and follow what U decide Baba. Thank U and forgive me Baba.

Om Sree Sachhidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jaiii.

Posted by Sudha Ravikumar from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 366848673977
Thu, Nov 14, 2024 10:25

Om SaiRam.

sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 723641589589
Thu, Nov 14, 2024 06:59

Dear Sai Baba,

Please crush Ma’s cancer. Please let it be operable and removed through surgery. Please prevent any spread of the cancer. Let her recover and spend time with her family. I beg of you please save Ma. I bow to you Sai Baba. Thank you for everything. 


Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 706499980137
Thu, Nov 14, 2024 06:04
  1. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
  2. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
  3. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
  4. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
  5. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
  6. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
  7. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
  8. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
  9. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
  10. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
  11. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam
  12. om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam om sri sairam

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 668285462845
Thu, Nov 14, 2024 00:27

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Dear Baba, Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prosperity in our lives. Bless everyone with good health. Thank you Baba for saving our jobs from layoffs. Thank you for everything Baba.

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 225124639765
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 23:47



Baba, my relationship with my husband is almost finished. We don’t talk to each other. I don’t know what will be next. 

Baba, please fix our marriage this pain is unbearable. Either fix it or break it. It&39;s about to be 20 years soon. I am loosing my mind and patience. 

Please do what ever you feel best me whatever can give me peace, please do it for me.


Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 963531615983
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 22:13

om sri sai jai jai sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sa om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jia jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai oms ri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai baba thank you so much for everything.

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 251645151366
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 21:28

Sainatha mee karuna maa meeda choopi maa arogyam kaapaadi manashanthini prasadinchu swami.babaplease sahayam Chevy and I paramaathmaa.sarvam mee paadaarpanam deva.  Sairama saranu thandri.

Posted by Sai Daughter from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 315664152920
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 20:24


Thank you for helping my son change his grade from F to C. Baba, please convince Mr. Kyle F to accept his extra credit work and bless him with a B grade in MP1. Please, Baba, you know this is crucial for his applications. I am begging you to convince his teacher. Please, Baba. Help my son get into a good college. Please, Baba. Ohm Sairam. Please bless us, Baba.

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 891222596939
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 19:38


Baba, my relationship with almost with my husband is almost finished. We don’t talk to each other. I felt lonely and depressed. You decide whatever is best for me. Either fix our marriage or make me separate. Its very hard to bear this pain. 

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 561729369990
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 16:25

Dear Baba, Koti koti pranam please bless my child with good health. Please remove all obstacles from her life. Please give her all the happiness she deserves. Baba please shower your love on her.

Posted by Your devotee from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 864631275020
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 16:04

Pranam baba.isurrender to yiu.i leave everything to at your lotus feet.i know you will give the best for my husband pr baba,our daughyer pr,our niece sr baba.olstandri my humblest request tandri pls tk my sister sr away to miami by hook or crook.pls tandri baba my humblest request.she is becoming toxic n abusing my parents.pls take her away to miami right now baba.pls tandri my humblest request tandri my parents are very old,gping thru mental torture with my sisyer sr..if you are there for me,pls take her away without my sister creating nuisance in the house n straining my parents relationship with their neighbors baba.pls tandri my humblest request tandri.pls must go to my sisyer sr right now make her realise thst she is cause for my parents suffering.solve this amicably baba.pls tandri mu humblest request tandri tandri tandri.pls go to her make hervfeel sshamed n guilty baba,be harmonious,bonded with my parents baba.pls tandri my humblest request at ur feet.pls go to my husband pr,tell him to share his feelings with us.uou must tell my daughtrr pr to help me financially bec my husband pr is going thru a lot in the office baba.pls tandri go tell her right now baba.&128591;&127995;&128591;&127995;&128591;&127995;&128591;&127995;

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 299234000573
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 12:45

Thank you Baba for making me, my husband, son and daughter a peaceful, happy, calm and stable beings. Thank you for the children who are always listening to me and him. Thank you Baba aap bachi par raham nazar rakhna sadaa and keep us protected by your protection shield around us.

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 162449473355
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 12:42

Dearest Pyaare pyaare mere Sai, thank you for hearing and listening me today as well and sending Prasad straight from your Shirdi temple as a proof you are with me today and always. So happy to be with you always. Thank you baba Pyaare bache aapne diye hain un par kripa karo and unko sahi raaste rakhna and focused rakhna. Thank you Sai. Love you Sai&128591;&128591;

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 672928812986
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 12:05

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Dear Baba, Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prosperity in our lives. Thank you Baba for saving my son’s job from layoffs. Thank you Baba for saving all our jobs and being with us and guiding through difficult times.

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 516771927083
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 11:50

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Dear Baba, 

Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prosperity in our lives. Thank you for saving me  from layoffs. Please Baba, save my son’s job from layoffs. Thank you Baba.

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Posted by Sudha Ravikumar from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 917259714406
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 09:38

om sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam

Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 906649815922
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 09:11

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Dear Baba, Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prosperity in our lives. Bless everyone with good health. Be with us and guide us to succeed in life. Please Baba, Bless and save my sons and my jobs from layoffs. Be with us and guide us through these difficult times. Thank you for everything Baba.

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram

Om Sri Sai Ram


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