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Posted by sairam from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 138289222567 Tue, Nov 5, 2024 06:17 om srisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaram omsisiaram omsrisiramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaram omsrisiaramo msrisiaram omrisiaramo mrsisiaramo msrisairamo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo srisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisaram omsrisiaramo msrisiaram omsrisiaram omsrisairam omsrisairamo msrisiaram omsrisairam om rsisiaram omsrisairam omsrisairam |
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 570787367716 Tue, Nov 5, 2024 00:39 Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Dear Baba, Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prosperity in our lives. Bless everyone with good health. Be with us and guide us to succeed in life. Please Baba, Bless and be with my son and I and save our jobs. Thank you for everything Baba. Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram |
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 435902263111 Mon, Nov 4, 2024 21:44 om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jaij ai sai om sri sai jaij ai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai oms ri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jia sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai baba thank you so much for everything. |
Posted by Your devotee from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 491036514359 Mon, Nov 4, 2024 16:29 Pranam baba. I bow to your lotus feet. Pls bless my husband to go to Perth today baba. Pls take him n go to some place. Australian owners call him now take him baba. Pls tandri my humblest request tandri baba. Pls tandri my humblest request tandri. I&39;m at Yr feet. Pls baba do the best for my husband pr baba. Pls make RMU, RB, other colleagues know n realise his talent n worth baba. Pls tandri, you must tell RMU, rbto retain my husband in spite Ltd baba. Pls go to my husband pr help him to be very very very happy baba. Pls tandri my humblest request tandri. I&39;m at your best. Baba I surrender to you completely bzba |
Posted by sairam from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 831252575459 Mon, Nov 4, 2024 06:44 om srisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo rsisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo msrisiaramo mrsisiaram osrisiaramo msrisiaramo srisiaramo msrisiaramo mmsrisiaramo msrisiaramo rsisiaram omrsisairamo srisiaram omsrisiaram omrisairam omrsisairam osrisiaramo mrsisiaramo risiaram osrisiaramo srisiaram osrisiaram omsrisiaram omsrisiaram omsrisairam omsrisiaram omsrisiaram osrisairam osrisiaramo risiaram omsrisiaramo msrisiaram. |
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 687263029933 Mon, Nov 4, 2024 06:28 Baba, Plz bless us all. Plz see that there will be NO problems at work and kids. Plz give us good health Baba. Plz always be with us Baba. I left all on U Baba and follow what U decide Baba. Thank U and forgive me Baba. Om Sree Sachhidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jaiii. |
Posted by Your devotee from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 376304736201 Mon, Nov 4, 2024 02:39 Pranam baba.i bow to your lotus feet.pls bless rmu,australian ship owners,sg ship owners,chennai owners recognise my husband pr,s talent right now.pls make australian ship owners call my husband pr right now ask him to come to perth right now.pls we need financial,ge cant stay without job right now baba.my husband needs job else we will suffer.pls bless him withbimmense prosperity,abundance baba.i surrendrr yo you completly.pls fix rmu,everyone spte ltd baba.&128591;&127995;&128591;&127995;&128591;&127995;&128591;&127995; |
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 479544576097 Mon, Nov 4, 2024 00:10 Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Dear Baba, Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prosperity in our lives. Bless everyone with good health. Be with us and guide us to succeed in life. Bless my son and I to keep our current jobs and be with us and guide us through these difficult times. Thank you for everything Baba. Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 796983094260 Sun, Nov 3, 2024 22:02 om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai oms ri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jaij ai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai saiom sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai saio m sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jaij ai sai om sri sai jai jai sai om sri sai jai jai sai baba thank you so much for everything. |
Posted by Your devotee forever from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 595766878061 Sun, Nov 3, 2024 21:45 Baba lots of kids and adults should bring teams and Cm should be a great success. Please be with us always. Give great news to hari today |
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 789954104999 Sun, Nov 3, 2024 05:01 Pranam baba, pls dpk make me happy, cheerfull baba. Pls tandri my humblest request tandri |
Posted by Your devotee from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 911691336499 Sun, Nov 3, 2024 05:00 Pranam baba. I bow to your lotus feet. Pls keep dpk be without any complaints abt out daughter pr baba. Pls tandri my humblest request |
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 653843085587 Sun, Nov 3, 2024 01:11 Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Dear Baba, Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prosperity in our lives. Bless everyone with good health. Be with us and guide us to succeed in life. Bless and be with my son and I and save our jobs. Thank you for everything Baba. Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram
Posted by Your devotee from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 692404962450 Sun, Nov 3, 2024 01:57 Pranam baba, pls come n help us baba m. Pls bless my husband pr with immense joy, peace, respite frm fina&39;cial burden. Pls tell our daughter to buy a studio apt in sg baba. Pls tandri help us, go to my husband tell him to be happy, cheerful, joyful baba |
Posted by Your devotee from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 528714213826 Sat, Nov 2, 2024 07:23 Pranam baba.pls bless me with great peace,joy,abundance baba.pls tandri my humblest request tandri.pls bless me baba.pls tandri baba.my humblest request tandri&128591;&127995;&128591;&127995;&128591;&127995; |
Posted by Your devotee from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 491278168585 Sat, Nov 2, 2024 07:23 Pranam baba.pls bless me with great peace,joy,abundance baba.pls tandri my humblest request tandri.pls bless me baba.pls tandri baba.my humblest request tandri&128591;&127995;&128591;&127995;&128591;&127995; |
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 629098116260 Sat, Nov 2, 2024 02:11 Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Dear Baba, Our Pranams at your lotus feet. We surrender to you. Show us the path of peace and prosperity in our lives. Bless everyone with good health. Be with us and guide us to succeed in life. Bless my son and I to have the jobs and save from the layoffs. Thank you for everything Baba. Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai Ram
Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address: ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 4915028651 Sat, Nov 2, 2024 02:07
Baba, my husband deceived me. I was trusting on him. He is now trying to make our children against me. Baba, save a mother and children. |
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