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Posted by Anonymous from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 599252557920
Sun, Sep 13, 2020 13:58

Swami sai mee karuna kataakshaalu mama meeda choopinchu thandri.sarvam mee paadaarpanam.

Posted by Your devotee from host ********* with IP address:   ***.***.***.*** Message ID: 895992518941
Sun, Sep 13, 2020 12:42

Pranam baba.pls make my daughter send money to ad immediatly going thru private hell with my maid n my daughter pr.they are making me go berserk.pls change their disposition attitude towards.pls make ad my daughter give me love n affection.pls you have to make ad do her work diligently with happiness humbleness gratitude towards me.i can’t take ads nonsense anymore baba.pls change her attitude n behaviour get rid off her laziness ego attitude at once.pls baba nothing good is happening to me.pls tandri why are you testing me like.i have nothing in my life no happiness peace really suffering Baba.pls make everyone volunteer nsr brother in law sr pjk sn pr unconditionally help me to clear my loans debts baba.this debt is haunting me baba.i have sleepless nights.pls give me respite baba.pls put fear in my ad n baba make sure she respects me does her work prompt n diligent.plsyou must set ad straight.pls make My daughter pr love me unconditionally  Forgive n forget my past sins.i need her love affection support  n ads also,pls tell them all baba.Everyday I dread to wake up  n do my depressed anxious fear sadness n negativity n sore moody behaviour from my maid ad..Her attitude n behaviour hurts me a lot.i want love from her n her willingness to work.pls go tell ad to work properly enthusiastically happily n be very cheerfull all day.pls tell my daughter  to be extremely happy internally externally N shower her love on me.pls bless baba to keep me happy debt free.thanks baba.i surrender to you completly all my emotions all my problems to you.jai bolo Sainath Maharaj ki jai.thanks baba

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